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Rowing and Writing

Christopher Koehler's blog about rowing and writing and who knows what else.


  Posted by Christoarpher , 22 March 2016 · 889 views

So we’re on vacation, the family and I. Savannah. Sure, it’s pretty, although a lot of the shine comes off when you remember that at least in the historic parts it was built by slaves.

Anyway, we’re visiting the Mister’s Ancestral Home for our son’s spring break. The mancub’s not the most stable soul in the world, and he spent a good five minutes before breakfast arranging his boxer briefs just so.

Well, something just set them and him off, because he flipped out. Okay, so the head banging is worrying, but I’ve seen it before and it’s within tolerances.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

The toilet overflows.

Why am I the only one who knows how to work the shut-off valve?

Anyway, I’m in a hotel room in Savannah with an overflowing toilet and my son’s losing his shit (ha!) because his undies are in a twist.

This is my life today. I can get wound up (that’d be two of us) or I can laugh my ass off.

Oh, and it’s starting to stink in here.

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