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Angela's California to Hawaii Solo Row

A Military & Veteran Tribute Row

She's Off!

Posted by parasurfer , 10 June 2013 · 1,130 views

She's Off! After a one day delay due to a high surf advisory, GLRF member Angela Madsen parasurfer set to sea today on an 80-day solo row adventure from Santa Cruz, California to Hilo, Hawaii.  

The purpose of her row is first to honor the military and veteran servicemen and servicewomen.  She wants to call attention to the struggle many veterans encounter in attempting to access their "promised" benefits after discharge from the military.

The solo row will also be tracked by the Open Ocean Rowing Society since Angela will be the first paraplegic woman to row across the Pacific.

This blog will be updated by the GLRF Team for Angela as she maintains her 20 spm rate over the small 2300 nautical mile course.

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