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Paris 2018 Gay Games

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The GLRF group for all those interested in rowing at the Paris 2018 Gay Games.

Share this group: http://paris2018regattagroup.glrf.info

Regatta details: https://www.paris201.../sports/rowing/

Latest News

  • 1
    by glrfcentral 08 March 2018 - 14h12.
    Registration for the Paris 2018 regatta continues to swell, and the number has just hit the current 250 registrant ceiling.  In the past couple of days, some rowers have been unable to re...

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  • 0
    by glrfcentral 06 March 2018 - 08h06.

    The regatta organizers have announced that housing is now available at the regatta venue, just steps from the finish tower!  The rooms are run by the UCPA (L'Union natio...

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    by glrfcentral 19 September 2017 - 12h17.
    The Euros 70 discounted sports fee for the Paris 2018 rowing regatta has been extended to Sunday evening, 24 September 2017 Paris local time (when it is midnight or minuit there...)


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  • 1
    by glrfcentral 18 September 2017 - 06h25.
    Registration for the Paris 2018 rowing regatta opened as planned on 04 September but the rowing sports page continued to decree a maximum participant level of 100.  For rowers, that is un...

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  • 0
    by glrfcentral 23 August 2017 - 08h39.
    Registration is scheduled to open in September!

    Here is the latest:

    Registration for rowing at the Paris 2018 Gay Games will open from Monday 4 September 2017 at the E...

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Upcoming Events

There are currently no upcoming events for this group.

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Latest Group Discussions

Stuck In Line At Cdg To Buy Rer Tickets

Paris 2018 Gay Games 18 Jul 2018
For rowers traveling to Paris by plane, you will undoubtedly opt for the easy train (RER fro...
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Carbo Load At Paris Best Bakeries

Paris 2018 Gay Games 09 Mar 2018
This just in from Conde Nast AFAR. After the regatta, get your fill of pastries and breads f...
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Paris Tourist Ideas

Paris 2018 Gay Games 07 Mar 2018
Just came in via my email from Conde Nast Traveler, 07 March 2018: 25 Best Things to do in Pa...
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Where To Stay - In Paris Or At The Regatta

Paris 2018 Gay Games 06 Mar 2018
For many of the participants, there will be a debate about where to stay, in Paris, or at the...
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Paris 2018 Regatta Qfp (Faq)

Paris 2018 Gay Games 23 Aug 2017
We're starting to see some questions coming in so we thought it would be helpful to start a F...
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Latest Members


Owner: adtan

Founded: 18-Jun 2017

Members: 17