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A collection of articles, some from the internet and some authored by our members, that help clubs succeed, either as a gay-specific club, or as gay-friendly/gay-inclusive club. Some articles simply share advice on the nuts and bolts of running a club.


Rowing in the Media: Think Carefully

The gay and lesbian sports community has been bombarded by requests from media production companies for LGBT athletes and sports teams interested in being on camera for a TV show, a movie, or a documentary series. Promoting your club or your team can be a great way to spread the word about rowin...


Using GLRF to Build Community Within and Amongs...

GLRF offers unlimited opportunities to build community and connect with other rowers and members of the rowing community. Our internal social network features a robust group feature called, All Oars Groups.   Groups are great for creating community amongst a number of rowing clubs in a...


Understanding the Types of Gay Rowing Clubs

Gay and Lesbian rowers are involved in the entire spectrum of clubs and boathouses. Most of us row in clubs and boathouses without any specific affiliation or sexual orientation. Some rowers have formed a specific club (with their own equipment) and row out of a common boathouse. That isn’t ver...