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GLRF serves as a platform to connect gay and lesbian rowers worldwide

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Federation of Gay Games (FGG)

GLRF served as an organizational directory of the Federation of Gay Games from 2002 - 2006.

The FGG is the official licensing body for the Gay Games. Rowing is not a core sport of the Gay Games. It is an approved additional sport.

A Web-Based, Global Membership Organization

The Gay and Lesbian Rowing Federation (GLRF) is a United States nonprofit public benefit corporation registered in the State of California. The organization supports a worldwide rowing community through a web-based individual membership structure. A board of directors and a management team work together to fulfill its mission.

The Gay and Lesbian Rowing Federation (GLRF) is an umbrella organization representing the interests of the worldwide LGBTQ+ rowing community. Its mission is to provide a sense of community, to promote the sport of rowing, to coordinate international sports competitions, to act as a central resource for rowing clubs and individual rowers, to support rowers facing homophobia, and to serve as liaison to national and international rowing governing bodies and to other sports organizations.

Business Model:
GLRF relies on annual individual membership fees from its members, and donations, bequests, and sponsorships to fund its ongoing operating activities.

  1. Create a seamless worldwide online community that connects gay and lesbian rowers from every geographic location.

  2. Develop awareness and acceptance [beyond tolerance] of gay and lesbian rowers in the broader rowing community.

  3. Promote rowing in the general gay and lesbian population.

Strategic Focus:
Position GLRF as a significant representative body of rowers within the broader framework of the sport.

Contact Us:
22647 Ventura Blvd. Suite 1030
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
email: rowing@glrf.info
voice: +1 323 774 1903
fax: + 1 208 977 2045
skype: glrfcentral

GLRF Elite Rowing Team

  • 2015
    • Brian T - Los Angeles US

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