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2009 Outgames Regatta

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A regatta group for those who attended the 2009 World Outgames. This is a great way to keep connected and also send out group news on new groups that may form for future events.

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Outgames Photos & Videos Contributions

2009 Outgames Regatta Discussion 24 Aug 2009
World Outgames 2009 http://www.copenhage...rts_photos.aspx Thomas Ruffer http://www.pixum....
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Malmo Bar Crawl in Sweden

2009 Outgames Regatta Discussion 25 Jul 2009
It looks like Tuesday will be the best option. We're gathering the information on the train s...
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Malmo Bar Crawl in Sweden

2009 Outgames Regatta Discussion 12 Jun 2009
Let's see if there is some interest in a getting this organized. From Montreal experience, ro...
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Malmo Bar Crawl in Sweden

2009 Outgames Regatta Discussion 09 Apr 2009
I think this sounds like a blast!
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Owner: glrfcentral

Founded: 09-May 2011

Members: 14