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Germany Calendar

There are currently no upcoming events in the Europe regional calendar.

Germany Classifieds

There are currently no active classified listings in the European region.

Germany Groups

There are currently no groups for the Germany page.

The Germany country page brings the German rowing community together by offering both local and regional resources. GLRF respects the culture of each country and wherever possible, uses the native spelling and language.

Gotcha! Gallery - Germany

Berlin Tattler News

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Why not join us? Registration is free and we welcome everyone from the broader rowing community.

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Germany Topics

Germany Page Legend

  • Germany Calendar
    Displays member-added events to the European regional calendar.
  • Gotcha! Gallery - Germany
    Displays images and videos that members have uploaded to the German gallery.
  • Germany Topics
    The discussion forum for the German rowing community.
  • Berlin Tattler News
    Displays the latest news that focuses on gay and lesbian rowing and GLRF members in the European rowing community.
  • Germany Classifieds
    Displays a list of the active classified advertisements in the European region.
  • Germany Groups
    Displays a list of the All Oars Groups that members have created to connect within the German rowing community.
  • Germany Links
    Provides a list of member-added links of interest for the German rowing community.
  • Germany Member Map
    Displays a country map and a list of the GLRF-defined regions (if any) for the country, with included states, provinces, departments or cantons, and a member count per region.
  • Germany Metroareas with GLRF Members
    Displays the major metropolitan areas in Germany with GLRF members. Each metro area includes any number of local cities and towns. When members have added their club or rowing programmes in Share A Link, the club(s) will be displayed under that particular metro area. Hovering over the club name will display one or more tags, showing that club's rowing programmes.