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2014 Gaygames Regatta

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Group to connect with other rowers and coxies interested in participating in the planned rowing event at the 2014 Gay Games in Cleveland.

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Event-Only Registration On Eventbrite

2014 Gaygames Regatta Discussion 02 Jun 2014
Some of the rowers have said that they have experienced a markup in the fees when they entere...
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Information On The New 1500M Sprint Race Format

2014 Gaygames Regatta Discussion 29 May 2014
The 2014 Gay Games Regatta format has changed from a 3200m. head race to a 1500m. sprint race...
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Some Intial Questions With Answers

2014 Gaygames Regatta Discussion 25 Sep 2013
If you have had a look at the competition specifics for the 2014 Gaygames Regatta, there are...
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Owner: glrfcentral

Founded: 17-Apr 2013

Members: 18