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GLRF Miami Rowing Festival

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From the GLRF classic literature companion:

Rowing festival – in the modern world, a day or days set aside by a club, city, state, or country for the worship of rowing gods. Although festivals have been associated, in some aspect with a religious practice, a rowing festival is a purely secular activity, marked by frequent occasions of stroking, feathering, general merrymaking and gaiety. Feasting, athletics, play-acting, and bawdiness are all considered appropriate constituents of rowing festivals.

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Which Miami Hotel?

Miami Rowing Festival Discussion 17 Feb 2011
mine is 323-251-5367 - brian
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Which Miami Hotel?

Miami Rowing Festival Discussion 17 Feb 2011
my cellphone # is 202-425-0486 Ira
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Which Miami Hotel?

Miami Rowing Festival Discussion 14 Feb 2011
I got a studio apartment on Craigs List at 8200 Byron Avenue so I'm about 20 blocks north of...
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Which Miami Hotel?

Miami Rowing Festival Discussion 14 Feb 2011
theoracle, on , said: Ira likes to stay at nice hotels, if his preferences are anything like...
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Which Miami Hotel?

Miami Rowing Festival Discussion 11 Feb 2011
Quote Ira likes to stay at nice hotels, if his preferences are anything like his previous vis...
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Owner: glrfcentral

Founded: 08-May 2011

Members: 22