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Would you like to add a news article? Great!  We would love it if you did. All submissions require approval before publication so here are some editorial guidelines:


Latest News is meant for articles that are of interest to the gay rowing community and the GLRF community.  Topics of interest might include:


  • how your club is doing something for gay rowing or being supportive of the gay community,
  • what you as a GLRF member are doing for the rowing community,
  • if your club is sending a squad or team to compete at a gay-focused regatta,
  • if your club or team is featured in the gay media.


What may not get past the editorial desk are stories that are club-centric (gay or straight) such as coming in first at such and such regatta or hosting a fundraiser or enjoying an end of season shrimp on the barbie.  We do have an outlet for that and really encourage GLRF members to explore that: create a blog on GLRF for your club!


Want to run an article idea past the editorial first? Sure! Just send a PM to glrfcentral!

2009/10 Winter Team Erg Relay League - get ready!


15 October 2009 - Copenhagen; Those erg-crazy Danes have announced the 2009/2010 Winter Team Relay League. Each year the folks behind Concept2 Denmark organize this worldwide competition that encourages teams of 8 and 4 to compete in relay format on one Concept 2 Indoor Rower.

Get all the details at their website, 8GP .

What’s so great about this competition is that it allows inter-club squads to form, as in gay crews, or if those straight folk don’t mind being on "your team," they can join too. The essence of this fun competition is it only involves one erg, and can take place anywhere so you can combine some social fun at a gym, rowing club, or even your garage, den, dungeon, meatrack, whatever ….! (Do women have dungeons?)

Here are the quick and go details:

There are two separate events for teams of 8 and teams of 4 rowers. The tournament can take place anywhere. There is no need for teams to travel to a central location to compete, instead the teams simply race in their own clubs, gyms etc. and submit their results via this website.

The tournament consists of 5 rounds which take place each month from October to February. Each round has a different race format. A team doesn’t need to consist of exactly the same rowers in all rounds.

Enties for the Winter Team Relay League are free, and you can join at any point. All you need to do is register your team , a simple two minute process.

This kind of competition is perfect to bring the GLRF community together, and also to include other rowing club members in the fun. So log on and register your team and start putting some time on that erg because we can all be assured the Argo’s, the Strokes, Chicago Rowing Union, and … those hotties from Minneapolis Rowing Club will be in on the action. (If only Dima was on our [my] team ….)