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Would you like to add a news article? Great!  We would love it if you did. All submissions require approval before publication so here are some editorial guidelines:


Latest News is meant for articles that are of interest to the gay rowing community and the GLRF community.  Topics of interest might include:


  • how your club is doing something for gay rowing or being supportive of the gay community,
  • what you as a GLRF member are doing for the rowing community,
  • if your club is sending a squad or team to compete at a gay-focused regatta,
  • if your club or team is featured in the gay media.


What may not get past the editorial desk are stories that are club-centric (gay or straight) such as coming in first at such and such regatta or hosting a fundraiser or enjoying an end of season shrimp on the barbie.  We do have an outlet for that and really encourage GLRF members to explore that: create a blog on GLRF for your club!


Want to run an article idea past the editorial first? Sure! Just send a PM to glrfcentral!

Berlin Tattler

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GLRF Community News for our members in Western Europe


Paris to sponsor lgbt regatta stake race

20 January 2008 - Paris; The 5th International LGBT Tournament of Paris, a weekend multi-sport event, will feature rowing as one of the 14 sports disciplines. The regatta will take place on Sunday morning at the Base Nautique in Choisy-le-Roi, a s suburb south of Paris. The venue is easily accessible from Paris using the...


Paris to Sponsor LGBT Regatta Stake Race

Looking down the course at Choisy-Le-Roi.
08 January 2008 - Paris; The 5th International LGBT Tournament of Paris, a weekend multi-sport event, will feature rowing as one of the 14 sports disciplines. The regatta will take place on Sunday morning at the Base Nautique in Choisy-le-Roi, a s suburb south of Paris. The venue is easily accessible from Paris using the...


Barcelona Eurogames cancels rowing

21 December 2007 - Barcelona; The 2008 Eurogames organizing committee has eliminated rowing from the schedule of sports disciplines to be offered at the XII Eurogames scheduled for July 2008. The move was revealed after the registration system was launched today and website visitors found rowing was not on the list of sports...


Viennese rower joins GLRF

22 October 2007 - Vienna; The GLRF worldwide community continued its European expansion with its first membership registration from Austria. The GLRF community now counts members in 24 countries. Although still unconfirmed, it is believed that the new rower may have learned about GLRF through its booth at the 2007 FISA Wo...


Switzerland joins the GLRF worldwide community

Visit the GLRF Suisse page
03 September 2006 - Zurich; The Swiss have arrived! A rower from Zurich registered with GLRF, and immediately asked if he was the only one. Several rowers from Switzerland competed at the Montreal Outgames and there was interest in including rowing at the EuroGames 2000 in Zurich. So we have to believe that there are ma...


Hungarian rower registers with GLRF

11 August 2006 - Budapest; Whether or not the GLRF visit to Budapest in March had any effect, we won’t really know but the end result is the same - Hungarian rowers joined GLRF! Hailing from the Csepel Rowing Club in Budapest, this new rower says there are lots of gay rowers and they are best, since they always win the...


A rower from Alicante edges Espana onto the GLR...

Visit the GLRF España page
13 June 2006 - Alicante; A female rower wanted to know why the Spanish flag was not visible on the GLRF site. The reply was simple: when one member from a country joins, we add the country to the GLRF Worldwide Community. With that response, a Spanish rower registered with GLRF, and Spain became part of the GLRF communit...


A Rower from Prague registers with GLRF

Visit the GLRF Czechia page
08 May 2006 - Prague; In another sign that GLRF is gaining ground in Central Europe, a rower from the Czech Republic registered with GLRF. The membership marks the 19th country worldwide to have rower representation within GLRF. Although significant gaps within GLRF’s European membership remain, specifically Spain, A...


Media focus on gay rowers in Croatia and GLRF

15 December 2005 - Zagreb; Gay rowers were the hot topic of discussion in the Croatia media this week. Over the course of seven days, three different media articles and a TV segment appeared on the subject of gay rowers and their membership in European and international organizations, with specific mention and display of t...


2010 Gay Games to be in Köln, but without rowing

14 November 2005 - Chicago; At the 2005 annual meeting of the Federation of Gay Games, delegates voted to select Köln, Deutschland as the site for the 2010 Gay Games. Three cities submitted bids to host the 2010 Gay Games: Johannesburg, Köln, and Paris. Each bid consists of a set of 22 required sports and up to 8 optional s...