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Would you like to add a news article? Great!  We would love it if you did. All submissions require approval before publication so here are some editorial guidelines:


Latest News is meant for articles that are of interest to the gay rowing community and the GLRF community.  Topics of interest might include:


  • how your club is doing something for gay rowing or being supportive of the gay community,
  • what you as a GLRF member are doing for the rowing community,
  • if your club is sending a squad or team to compete at a gay-focused regatta,
  • if your club or team is featured in the gay media.


What may not get past the editorial desk are stories that are club-centric (gay or straight) such as coming in first at such and such regatta or hosting a fundraiser or enjoying an end of season shrimp on the barbie.  We do have an outlet for that and really encourage GLRF members to explore that: create a blog on GLRF for your club!


Want to run an article idea past the editorial first? Sure! Just send a PM to glrfcentral!

Boston Bee

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GLRF Community news for our members in North America


Q-Crew Domain Comes Back In From The Cold

01 October 2009 - Portland; Q-Crew, the Toronto gay and lesbian rowing club that arose from the primordial ooze of Lake Ontario in 1997 to successfully compete at the 1998 Amsterdam Gay Games, and then melted into a sticky puddle on Church Street on a hot summer day in the 2000’s, left behind talented rowers, broken hearts,...


Cleveland gets the nod for 2014 Gay Games Bid

Köln by night.
29 September 2009 - Köln; Just watched the live telecast from the Gay Games website and yes, Cleveland was awarded the license to host the 2014 Gay Games.  There will undoubtedly be much discussion about the winning bid but what does this mean for rowers?  Like Boston, and Washington, Cleveland include...


Rowing featured in all three bids for the 2014...

26 April 2009 - San Francisco; Three US cities have submitted bids to host Gay Games IX in 2014: Boston, Cleveland, and Washington.  All three bids feature rowing in their sports compliment.  Every bid must describe the venue, the organizational support, the expected participant makeup, the competition form...


2009 Austin Winter Retreat Cancelled

18 December 2008 - Austin; GLRF member Karl S. relayed the news that the 10th annual Austin Winter Retreat has been shelved for 2009.  Sara Mai Conway, Austin Rowing Club's new Club Manager, indicated in an email to retreat organizers that the club's facilities for the President's Day Weekend had alre...


Mexico becomes the 27th country in the GLRF com...

Visit the GLRF Mexico page
22 July 2008 - Mexico City; A junior’s visit to one of the 2008 GLRF regatta booths has resulted in the first registration from Mexico. The rower asked if they could join, after seeing that Mexico was not on the booth’s posterboard display of GLRF worldwide communities.  The rower, from Mexico City, marks the fulf...


2009 World Outgames Preview Tour - US east coast

14 June 2008 - Boston; The 2009 Copenhagen World Outgames staff will be hitting the US eastern seaboard campaign trail in June. Outgames’ Director of Sports Tommy Kristoffersen and his entourage will be hitting four cities: Boston, Washington DC, Philadelphia, and New York City. Rowers can find information about the ev...


A new play that gives a fresh approach to teena...

06 February 2007 - Montclair; A new gay-themed rowing play by Anton Dudley, Honor and The River, has opened to rave reviews in New Jersey. The play focuses on a teenage boy’s isolation at a boarding school, the sadness for his deceased father, and his longing for one of the guys on the crew team, Honor. The play runs 03 Feb -...


Vancouver Great Eight profiled in media

Vancouver Rowing Club Great Eight. Photo credit: Jonathan Taggart
08 July 2006 - Vancouver; Vancouver Rowing Club's racing squad known as the The Great Eight has been training to compete at the 2006 Montreal Outgames.  Xtra! reporter André Beaucage spent some time with the team and learned about how training for the Outgames as part of a rowing team has helped some of...


2006 Montreal 1st World Outgames to offer sport...

30 May 2006 - Montreal; The Organizing Committee of the 1st World Outgames has announced a sports-only registration fee option for all sports. Participants may elect to register for any sport for CA$75. The registration fee entitles an athlete the ability to participate and compete in one sport, receive a participa...


Chicago’s new ‘Qrew Chicago ‘ rowing team are M...

03 February 2006 - Chicago; They are twelve men intent on winning their races at the 2006 Montreal World Outgames.  They are the Qrew Chicago rowing team.  Having set in motion a demanding training schedule of erg time and 4 days a week of on-the-water practice, this team is determined to bring home the...