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The Cat in the Coach

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The Speed Coach

Posted by DPH2002 , 18 June 2009 · 583 views

Although I've been rowing for a long time, I have never used a Speed Coach.  The Fluid Design I took out yesterday had one and after fumbling around a bit, I finally figured out how to turn it on.

Some things are better left unsaid.  
  • Do I look fat in these jeans?
  • Am I buff or what?
  • Big enough for you babe?

So when I started doing some high rate pieces, my jaw just dropped. Talk about a total ego crusher.  Here I thought I was doing 26 - 28 ratings down Eddies Channel.  Not according to the Speed Coach: dude, you're doing 21.5, if that ...

Hmmm, maybe that Speed Coach is just not working right, or Dennis and everyone else in the world has been right all along and I just rush my slide and end up going nowhere.

Oh, and I won't even say what my splits were .. Prince Adrian may disqualify me from the Outgames draw.


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