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The Cat in the Coach

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Miami Arrival - So Warm And Soothing ....

Posted by DPH2002 , 17 February 2011 · 621 views

Just got in and it so nice to be back in Miami. It is soooooooo warm. It was freezing when I left LA this morning, like 40 degrees!

Not a cloud in the sky as the sun was setting this evening, and a full moon rising from the East. Caught the Airport Flyer and jumped off at 41st & Collins avenue and then hopped on a local bus, the 'S' heading north. Walked to my studio at 82nd & Byron.

Found this place on Craigs List. Really quiet and secluded, which is nice given the traffic along Collins as the Miami Beach Boat Show gets underway.

And now, to jump on the bike the guy lent me and get some groceries. I so want to buy a condo here!!!  Rowing starts tomorrow morning at 8:45 am

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