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True Confessions of a Female Motorcyclist

One motorcyclist and now rower/coxswain's perspectives on life.


Bones Will Heal

  Posted by katecraig , 04 August 2013 · 2,136 views

<div id="attachment_1502" class="wp-caption alignleft" style="width: 310px"><a href="http://trueconfessio...image.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-1502" alt="The guardrail I t-boned." src="http://trueconfessionsofafemalem...


Counting Down the Days

  Posted by katecraig , 19 July 2013 · 2,129 views

http://trueconfessio...w=300&h=199??My bags aren’t packed, but I’m ready to go. Twelve days until I leave on my European adventure, a trip that even a year earlier felt like a pipe dream. Now, it’s on the horizon and I have this feeling it’s going t...


Going The Distance

  Posted by katecraig , 17 July 2013 · 1,097 views

http://trueconfessio...=300??Sometimes, no matter how much you practice or simulate the experience, nothing will prepare you for the adrenaline rush you will experience on race day. Last Saturday, my novice team and I competed in our first sprint race, Capital Sprints Reg...


Footprints On My Soul

  Posted by katecraig , 19 June 2013 · 1,060 views

http://trueconfessio...190??It&#8217;s life’s challenges that define and shape who we are, remind us we can trust after a broken heart or stand up after a fall. It’s a task that seemed impossible or a note we didn’t think we could play. But (pe...


Grabbing A Spoon

  Posted by katecraig , 14 June 2013 · 1,155 views

As a Friends fanatic, sometimes it’s impossible not to make a references to this show. For one, it’s timeless. But in Season 1, Episode 1, Joey encourages Ross to “grab a spoon,” because life will go on after divorce and the right woman is out there. Well, I think his exact point was there are my flavors of women out ther...


Savoring Every Minute

  Posted by katecraig , 12 June 2013 · 1,120 views

http://trueconfessio....jpg?w=500??Two years ago I got my first and thus far only tattoo. It’s a Celtic knot that connects around my right bicep, or what has been more commonly referred to as my “dyke-band.” And while some have considered my motivation for getting it part o...


Tomorrow We Ride!

  Posted by katecraig , 07 June 2013 · 1,043 views

http://trueconfessio...h=225??Saturday marks the fourth anniversary of the DC Chapter of Dykes on Bikes leading the Capital Pride Parade. Over these years, the chapter has grown from just me, the founding member, to 134 riders. We’ve shared many adventures together, from...


What Pride Means To Me

  Posted by katecraig , 06 June 2013 · 1,016 views

http://trueconfessio...300??It&#8217;s June and everywhere I look rainbow flags adorn city streets and buildings. Such a beautiful reminder how all colors of the rainbow come together to form one community, at least that’s what the rainbow flag means to me.In Jun...


Leaving A Legacy With Dc Strokes

Posted by katecraig , 30 May 2013 · 1,361 views
DC Strokes
Leaving A Legacy With Dc Strokes Just a handful of days until DC Strokes kicks off their sprint season by hosting their Stonewall Regatta  on Sunday, June 2nd. Boat after boat after boat will race down the Anacostia River, all seeking the same goal–victory. A weighty, shiny gold medal to take home along with a year’s worth of bragging rights.But as fun as regatta days are, they are the c...


Preparing for Stonewall

  Posted by katecraig , 29 May 2013 · 957 views

http://trueconfessio...171&h=300??Less than a week until DC Strokes kicks off their spring season with their Stonewall Regatta on the Anacostia River on Sunday, June 2 from 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM. Race line-ups have already been sent and we’re all...

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