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Regatta + Rowing Camp News

Updates and news about regattas and camps of interest to the GLRF community


The 2018-2019 Florida Rowing Center Season's Online Registration Is Now Open

Posted by glrfcentral , 13 July 2018 · 1,127 views

This just in from Marlene Royle!    The 2018-2019 Florida Rowing Center Season's online registration is now open.     Opening day: Friday, 21 December 2018     Closing day: Sunday, 28 April 2019     Click here to  register for your session.     ****    Work with our top notch coaching staff to raise your sculling to the next level.    Read about t...


Summer Sculling In London

Posted by glrfcentral , 22 April 2017 · 1,151 views

Summer Sculling In London Craftsbury is nice but there are some other sculling clinics that are pretty nice.  London in the summer is nice. Combine a Tideway Summer Sculling Course with a vacation in England, Scotland, or Wales, and well, you have a very nice getaway planned.    But wait, you haven't tried the grey stuff - it's delicious, ask the dishes!  Yes, airfares...


A Better Regatta News Feature For The Glrf Regattas + Page

Posted by glrfcentral , 01 July 2012 · 1,227 views

GLRF is excited to announce a slight change in the layout and content for the Regattas + page.  

We just launched a new blog devoted entirely to regatta and camp/clinic items of interest for our worldwide online community.  Although it was too late to include for any meaningful use now, a good example would be the information on the live radio feed for the...

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