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Would you like to add a news article? Great!  We would love it if you did. All submissions require approval before publication so here are some editorial guidelines:


Latest News is meant for articles that are of interest to the gay rowing community and the GLRF community.  Topics of interest might include:


  • how your club is doing something for gay rowing or being supportive of the gay community,
  • what you as a GLRF member are doing for the rowing community,
  • if your club is sending a squad or team to compete at a gay-focused regatta,
  • if your club or team is featured in the gay media.


What may not get past the editorial desk are stories that are club-centric (gay or straight) such as coming in first at such and such regatta or hosting a fundraiser or enjoying an end of season shrimp on the barbie.  We do have an outlet for that and really encourage GLRF members to explore that: create a blog on GLRF for your club!


Want to run an article idea past the editorial first? Sure! Just send a PM to glrfcentral!

GLRF Member Visits Argentina


16 April 2005 - Buenos Aires; GLRF member DPH2002 visited Buenos Aires and the Tigre Region in April 2005. Over a one-week period, he took in the sights and tastes of a country that knows how to do many things right: style, rowing, and meat.

Shop ‘til you drop in Buenos Aires for some amazing styled clothes and prices that will keep you jabbering endlessly.  If you have never tasted Argentine beef, you are in for a treat.

If you have never seen the rowing clubs of the Tigre region, your mouths will fall open in awe.  There are huge number of clubs, most of which are organized along country names, like Germany, Switzerland, Italy, etc.  They row both the larger c-boats (thus the rail tracks to cart the boats to the water), and racing boats.

The famous Cucchietti boats are built in the Tigre area. We visited Jorge Cucchietti’s boat manufacturing facility, and his son was kind enough to lend us his personal single for a quick row out of the Buenos Aires Rowing Club.

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If you have never thought about a Cucchietti boat, you should!  Their unique hull design and super lite construction makes them the secret weapon in the racing world.